Thursday, December 9, 2010

Loneliness: An Artistic Fuel

Loneliness is defined in many ways. It is entirely subjective, although most of the time it is viewed negatively. It is something people do not talk about. Most would even create a facade of the opposite so that other people will not think they are lonely. But this is the brainchild of the most creative things. 

Loneliness is the strongest emotion, even stronger than hatred or love. It has the power to paint beautiful pictures, sing the most beautiful songs and write the best poems. 

Have you asked yourself, why the most beautiful and most popular songs ever written are those that have an air of loneliness to it? It's because, loneliness is what everyone can relate to.

Have you asked yourself, what the most beautiful scenery you could imagine? I'm sure you would say, just like the rest of the world, that the sunset is the most beautiful scenery ever imaginable. It is it's utter loneliness that makes it beautiful. 

No one wants to be lonely. Neither do I. But it is in occasional loneliness that I find myself creating the most beautiful things. 

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