Friday, September 16, 2011

Food Photography

I love food...oh wait... no.... I worship it! 

I like looking at it, smelling it, tasting it and chewing it. 

Taken from the album, "Random Eats".

I cook too if I have the time. With my tight schedule, I find solace in restaurants or worse --fast food. But there's one thing I definitely have  time for --photography!

Taken from the album "Healthy Eats".

Whenever I visit a new restaurant and the food looks good, I make sure I take a picture before digging in. 

I used to love taking pictures of my friends when we'd hang out at restaurants and I realized that there was more to these gatherings than "cam-whoring" friends. There was food. And I mean food with better appeal! ;)

Taken from my album "Cook/bake at Bak's Kitchen".

Since then I've been hooked and now my friends are complaining why my Facebook has nothing but food pictures in it. What's worse is that they were with me at the restaurant where the food was taken and they weren't in any of the pictures. 

Taken from the album "Barcino".

Ok. I admit I have fixation issues because when I enjoy something, I keep on doing it until I'm completely fed up. And food... I don't think I'll ever be fed up with it unless I want to starve myself to death, which by the way will never happen! 

Whether it's my daily caffeine dose or my occasional fine dining,
photography is  an essential. As the pictures above show. Taken from
the album "Life On The Go".

So that means you'll be seeing my food posts for a while...maybe even forever. I mean... don't you appreciate good looking food? C'mon!

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